Oficina Ingegerdae

Ingegerd's Atelier

About Me

About Me

My name is Ingegerd and I am a teacher for children with learning disabilities.

I'm retired now. Education has always been one of my primary interests. Many of my other interests can be used in educational contexts.

My late husband, Åke, and I were married for many years. We have two grown daughters.

I grew up in a small town, in fact the same one where I'm living now, though I was away from it for quite a few years. My parents ran a groceries store. That was a fantastic place for a child to grow up.

I have a dog, some cats and a few guinea pigs. Animals are wonderful companions and I wouldn't like to be without mine for anything in the world.

I'm interested in bookbinding, origami, tangram, genealogy, tablet weaving, weaving, lace making, indoor plants, organic gardening, wildlife, wild plants, paper making and much more. I also write - children's books, a journal and even an online blog.

A picture of me:

This is a photo of me and my parents:

My parents on the day of their engagement:

My late husband:

My daughters: